Lange Nacht der Museen Stuttgart 2020 (CANCELLED due to COVID-19)

Cancelled due to COVID-19
Check us out on March 21, 2020 during the “Long Night of the Museums” in Stuttgart! We will have a surprise performance in the atelier of our artist friend Clemens Schneider!
“so many selves” on July 6!

Looking forward to our collaboration with Ensemble and composer Nicholas DeMaison with our concert so many selves on July 6 at the Kunstraum (Filderstr. 34, Stuttgart). Hope to see you there!
Klangraum 18/19 in one week!
Looking forward to performing in our festival at the Kunstraum ( in Stuttgart! It will be Christie’s first time performing all 14 of George Aperghis’s Récitations in Stuttgart (finally!!!), and Felix will tackle some monster solo works for the contrabass clarinet. Join us on February 16 for an exciting program!
Ésprit Apollinaire!!! on June 17, 2018 in Stuttgart
Looking forward to being part of the project Ésprit Apollinaire!!!, sponsored by the Schauspiel Stuttgart and Stuttgarter Kollektiv für aktuelle Musik, e.V. Featuring a world premiere (written especially for us!) by Canadian composer Matthew Ricketts. More info here!
May 2018 with Bugallo-Williams in Stuttgart!
Duos unite! We look forward to performing with the Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo in Stuttgart on May 7, 2018. The concert will be in one of our favorite concert locations: the GEDOK-Galerie.
World premiere of a piece by our buddy Joseph Michaels (who also facilitated the organization of this concert! Thanks, Joe!), as well as works by Marcos Balter, Nicholas DeMaison, György Kurtág, Robert Phillips, Katharina Roth and more!
This event on Facebook:
Khi-Re Premiere Postponed
We regret to announce that we have to postpone the world premiere of Nicholas DeMaison’s Khi-Re on January 18 at the tonArt Festival due to health reasons. We currently plan to premiere the work (at least in part) on the closing concert of tonArt on February 25. More information is forthcoming.
Thank you, Clemens!
We had a blast this past Saturday (Oct. 7, 2017) celebrating the opening of Clemens Schneider‘s new exhibit Feinschutt – Stuttgarter Stadtansichten with our concert 3×2.
Thanks also to flutist Yukiko Otaki for joining us for this concert, as well as composers Uikyung Lee and Jan Kopp!
Upcoming 2017 Concert!
We look forward to our concert 3×2 on October 7, 2017 with flutist Yukiko Otaki in the incredible atelier/gallery of Clemens Schneider in Stuttgart! More information coming soon!
Press from Oct. 23, 2016 concert!
28.10.2016, Cannstatter/Untertürkheimer Zeitung, “Neue Klänge für alte Ohren”