12 March 2022:
The Magic Paper Room
Concert / Exhibition Opening
with Clemens Schneider, visual artist
View program (PDF, Deutsch): The Magic Paper Room
Wagenhalle / Stuttgart / GERMANY

21 March 2020:
Lange Nacht der Museen
Concert / Exhibition Opening Clemens Schneider
Wagenhalle / Stuttgart / GERMANY
Cancelled due to COVID-19
18 October 2019, 20h: Muses
World premieres by Anthony R. Green & Martin Iddon
In cooperation with S-K-A-M, e.V.
View program (PDF, Deutsch): Muses
Kunstraum 34 / Filderstr. 34 / Stuttgart / GERMANY

so many selves
6 July 2019
World premiere by Nicholas DeMaison, featuring the poetry of e. e. cummings
A collaboration with Ensemble cross.art
In cooperation with S-K-A-M, e.V.
View program (PDF, Deutsch): so many selves
Kunstraum 34 / Stuttgart / GERMANY
Klangraum Festival 18/19
16 February 2019, 20h
Works by Mark André, Georges Aperghis, Gérard Grisey, & Rolf Riehm
View program (PDF, Deutsch): Klangraum 2018/19
Kunstraum 34 / Stuttgart / GERMANY

June 17, 2018: NordLabor, Stuttgart
July 12, 2018: Dieselstraße, Esslingen am Neckar
View program (PDF, Deutsch): Ésprit Apollinaire!!!
View exhibition (PDF by Nicholas Zupfer): Apollinaire Exhibition
Guillaume Apollinaire ist 1918 gestorben. 100 Jahre danach lassen wir ihn neu aufleben und durch sein Vermächtnis inspirieren. In ungewöhnlichen Kooperationen zwischen MusikerInnen, Video-, SprachkünstlerInnen und GraphikerInnen entwickeln wir unentwegt Neues, Ungesehenes, Ungehörtes. Ein performativer Abend mit Ésprit Apollinaire!!!, voller poetischer Ausflüge, visuellem Vergnügen und ernster Nachforschung. Eine Zusammenarbeit von ExVoCo, NOISE-BRIDGE, cross.art ensemble, sprech&schwefel und weiteren.
In einer groß angelegten Projektpartnerschaft mit dem Schauspiel Stuttgart im Rahmen der Konzertreihe K-R-A-M 2018 verbindet die Ésprit Apollinaire!!!- Initiatorin Christie Finn (S-K-A-M, e.V.) die weiten Felder zeitgenössischer Musik mit jenen der bildenden Kunst, der Literatur, Sprechkunst, Philosophie und Graphik und bezieht hierbei – ganz im Geiste Apollinaires – aktiv ein ganzes Theater mitsamt seinem Publikum in eine vielschichtige Partitur ein.
One More Voice from Far Away / May 7, 2018
with NOISE-BRIDGE & Bugallo Williams Piano Duo
Music by Nicholas DeMaison, Joseph Michaels (World Premiere), Katharina Roth, and more!
View program (PDF, Deutsch): One More Voice From Far Away
“Die Stimme als Metapher, die Stimme als Atmosphäre, die Stimme als Kommunikationskanal. Das Bugallo-Williams Klavierduo („einfach umwerfend“, Gramophone) und das Sopran-Klarinette Duo Noise-Bridge („ein beachteter Name in der Szene der Neuen Musik“, Esslinger Zeitung) bieten ein Konzert der neuen Kammermusik an, was die Stimme von verschiedenen Seiten betrachtet. Musik von Kurtág, Balter, Rosenberger, Bauckholt, Manoury, Williams, Michaels, Oña, Phillips, Walter, Roth, DeMaison und Chen.”
GEDOK-Galerie / Stuttgart / GERMANY

_A Scene in Singing: American Voices / February 25, 2018
World premiere of select songs from Khi-Re, a work by Nicholas DeMaison setting the poetry of e. e. cummings
tonArt Festival 2018 (http://www.tonart-esslingen.de/)
View program (PDF, Deutsch): _A Scene in Singing: American Voices
Villa Nagel / Esslingen a.N. / GERMANY
3×2 / October 7, 2017
with flutist Yukiko Otaki
- Luciano Berio: sequenza iii
- Vinko Globokar: Voix Instrumentalisée
- Jan Kopp: Federn
- Kazunari Ozaki: Rhyme I
- Kate Soper: Only the Words Themselves Mean What They Say
- Uikyung Lee: an in-between ; please be always as you are (für verstärkte zerlegte Klarinette, verstärkten Sopran und Zuspiel) WORLD PREMIERE
View program (PDF, Deutsch): 3×2
Atelier Clemens Schneider / Leonhardstr. 5 / Stuttgart / GERMANY
Sponsored by Kulturamt Stuttgart & Innovationsfond Kunst Baden-Württemberg

Spazierwegkonzert / October 23, 2016
- Ralph Vaughan Williams, Three Vocalises (1958)
- Drake Ralph Andersen, Photons (2010)
- Jan Kopp, Achmatowa-Lied (2002)
- Stuart Saunders Smith, Blessings (2016, Uraufführung)
- Ada Gentile, Perché (2015)
- Johannes Brahms/Jan Kopp (Bearbeitung), “In stiller Nacht” & “Trennung”
View program (PDF, Deutsch): Spazierwegkonzert
Petruskirche in Obertürkheim / Stuttgart / GERMANY
North American Tour / October 12-18, 2016

Friction / Oct. 12, 2016
Works by:
- Pascal Dusapin
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead
- Christopher Goddard (North American premiere)
- Colin Holter (North American premiere)
- Michael Maierhof (North American premiere)
- Stuart Saunders Smith
View program (PDF, English): Friction
Music Box in the Performing Arts and Humanities Building / UMBC / Baltimore, MD
Composer’s Forum / Oct. 13, 2016
Works by:
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead
- Christopher Goddard
- Jan Kopp
- Michael Maierhof
Miller Recital Hall / Manhattan School of Music / New York, NY

Master class and Performance / Oct. 17-18, 2016
Works by:
- Pascal Dusapin
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead
- Jan Kopp
- Michael Maierhof
- Frederik Neyrinck
View Program (PDF, English): Concert at McGill
McGill University / Montréal, Canada
Friction / July 14, 2016
Works by:
- Christopher Goddard
- Colin Holter (World premiere)
- Jan Kopp
- Frederik Neyrinck
- Stuart Saunders Smith
View Program (PDF, Deutsch): Friction
GEDOK / Stuttgart / GERMANY

Kietzklang / July 2, 2016
„schwer – leicht“
Works by:
- Georges Aperghis
- John Cage
- Michael Maierhof
Atelier Fingerglück / Stuttgart / GERMANY
musica nova concert / April 20, 2016
Works by:
- Georges Aperghis
- Hannes Dufek
- Pascal Dusapin
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead
- Chris Goddard (World premiere, commissioned by musica nova)
- Francesco Maggio (World premiere)
View Program (PDF, Deutsch): musica nova
Städtisches Kunstmuseum Spendhaus / Reutlingen / GERMANY
Late Nite: THE HAPPY PHONEME / December 18, 2015
Works by:
- Georges Aperghis
- Hannes Dufek (World premiere)
- Michael Maierhof (World premiere)
and: Dadaist poetry!!!
Part of the Konzertreihe für aktuelle Musik
View Program (PDF, Deutsch): K-R-A-M 05 Le Happy Compound Pleasures
P1 / Theaterhaus / Stuttgart / GERMANY

NOISE-BRIDGE in Italy! / October 16 & 17, 2015
October 16, 2015
36° Festival Nuovi Spazi Musicali
More information here (PDF): 36° Festival Nuovi Spazi Musicali
Works by:
- Beatrice Campodonico (World Premiere)
- Francesco Maggio (World Premiere)
- Paolo Marchettini (World Premiere)
- Günay Mirzayeva (World Premiere)
- Sebastian Elikowski-Winkler (World Premiere)
Foyer del Teatro Lirico V.Basso / Ascoli Piceno / ITALY
October 17, 2015
Cluster – Compositori Europei
Works by:
- Francesco Cipriano (World Premiere)
- Andreina Costantini (World Premiere)
- Girolamo Deraco (World Premiere)
- Ada Gentile (World Premiere)
- Francesco Maggio
- Matteo Manzitti (World Premiere)
- Paolo Marchettini
- Günay Mirzayeva
- Sebastian Elikowski-Winkler
View Program (PDF, Italian): Cluster – Compositori Europei Concert
Auditorium Fondazione Banca del Monte / Piazza San Martino / Lucca / ITALY
18 Stunden zur Anfechtung der Sommersonnenwende / June 21, 2015
(18 Hours to Challenge the Midsummer Sun)
with Klang Büro, Wrestling Baby NeuGott, et. al
World premiere of a new work by Stuart Saunders Smith for NOISE-BRIDGE
Killesberg Park / Stuttgart / GERMANY

Face to Face / May 8, 2015
with TRIO vis-à-vis and TRIO FORTAGNE
Works by:
- Drake Ralph Andersen (World Premiere)
- Marco Bidin (World Premiere)
- Pascal Dusapin
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead
View Program (PDF, Deutsch):
Südseite Nachts Mai 2015
Südseite nachts / Theaterhaus / Stuttgart / GERMANY
Resonanz Musik / January 29, 2015
Gesprächskonzert elf | Dialoge 2
View Program (PDF, Deutsch): Resonanz Musik
Stadtbücherei Esslingen / GERMANY

Klangraum Festival / November 21, 2014
World Premiere of Pendulum Clocks, a new chamber opera composed for NOISE-BRIDGE by Rahilia Hasanova
View Program (JPG): Klangraum 2014
Kunstraum 34 / Stuttgart / GERMANY
Ein Puzzle… / June 27, 2014
Ensemble Hörwerk & NOISE-BRIDGE with guest artists
World Premiere of Cowboy Rock ‘n Roll U.S.A., a musical-theatrical evening by and with composer Matt Aelmore
View program (PDF):
Ein Puzzle…

tonArt Festival Abschlusskonzert / February 23, 2014
Closing Concert of the tonArt Festival
Works by:
- Matt Aelmore (World Premiere)
- Pascal Dusapin
- Turkar Gasimzada
- Felix Muntwiler (World Premiere)
- Frederik Neyrinck
View program (PDF, Deutsch): Abschlusskonzert mit NOISE-BRIDGE
St. Paul / Esslingen am Neckar / GERMANY
Half American / June 28, 2013
Works by:
- Drake Ralph Andersen
- Eliza Brown
- Eliott Carter
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead
- Stuart Saunders Smith
View program (PDF, Deutsch): Half-American
St. Paul / Esslingen am Neckar / GERMANY

Liebesverbrechen / June 14, 2013
Watch videos from the concert here: NOISE-BRIDGE Watch & Listen
With percussionist Philipp Lamprecht (Ensemble Vario:Ton), and actor Max Pross
Featuring works by:
- Georges Aperghis, including
- Cinq Couplets
- Simulacre I
- 7 Crimes de l’Amour
Schloss Bonndorf / Schwarzwald / GERMANY
Absence (Chicago Tour) / March 8, 2013
Composer colloquium at Northwestern University and performance at Elastic Arts
Works by:
- Eliza Brown (World premiere)
- Chris Fisher-Lochhead (World premiere)
- Stuart Saunders Smith (World premiere)
View program (PDF, English): Absence
Elastic Arts / Chicago / U.S.A.

Dialogues / May 26, 2011
contagious sounds series, curated by pianist Vicky Chow
Works by:
- Matt Aelmore
- Gregory Emfietzis (World premiere)
- Frederik Neyrinck (World premiere)
- Nicholas Peters (World premiere)
- Turkar Qasimzadeh
- Jimmy Roberts (new arrangement)
- Stuart Saunders Smith (World premiere)
View program (PDF, English): Dialogues
Gershwin Hotel / New York City / U.S.A.
NOISE-BRIDGE Ensemble premiere concerts
at An die Musik LIVE! (Baltimore, Maryland) and The Tank NYC
May & June 2010

An die Musik LIVE! program: NOISE-BRIDGE at An die Musik LIVE!
The Tank NYC program: NOISE-BRIDGE at The Tank